Our thrive groups are opportunities to get connected to our St. Demetrios community. They gather at homes, restaurants, at our church, or virtually!

Bible Study & Faith Class

A group who gathers together with Fr. Basil on Tuesday evenings to delve into the depths of the theology and meanings in scripture. Bring your questions, thoughts and a notepad. All are welcome!
Contact: (207) 284-5651

Sunday School

Weekly for ages 4 to 12+.
We are committed to a fantastic kids program after our Sunday services. Our youth leaders have undergone training and background checks for the security of our children. These classes are specifically designed with age focused games, messages, activities and discussions. We can guarantee that your child will not be bored!
Contact: Asha (207) 391-1611


The chant stand (located at the front right of the church) leads others in worship, and imbues hymns with prayerful joy. Whether it be a weekday, seasonal, or weekly service, voices of praise are welcome.
Contact Fr. Basil at (207)284-5651

Ladies of St. Fotini

We are a women's group who support the church and many other causes through acts of service. Contact the church office for more information (207)284-5651

Parish Council

A group of individuals who comprise the administration of St. Demetrios. They meet twice each month on Thursday evenings. Contact (207)284-5651 for more information.